Friday, June 23, 2006

You gave how much for that Trike

Well lots of things have changed since i was last here, One son has lost a very good friend to a motorycle tragedy, and in the out set of that gave up riding, I know he loves it as i do, but he has a young family to worry about, It is his choice, as it was to ride, I hope some time he can return to it, cause he got that love of riding from me, i know and have seen how much he enjoys it.
His Mother bought a trike, and made her annual pilgrimage to new mexico and colorado, with not incidences, more than i can say for the harley trike of a friend of hers, they had a multitude of problems, and ran for three days once they got to new mexico, i think they finally did get every thing resolved about the time it was time to come home.
Wife didnt have aproblem till she got home, we rode with youngest son all day saturday, and then rode back to amarillo to eat with his family inlaws, good folks and fun to be around, walked out of resturant and cranked bikes , she had lost some lights on front and tail lights on back, had brake lights only
after a phone call of two, i activated the brake light system, so we could have lights and started for home
I worked on that thing for all of sunday, and part of monday till work then on tu esday, found absolutely nothing , wiring and switches checked out, lights would work on park i discovered, but not on ignition .
i started hunting thru posts from trike riders, to see if any one had experienced the same thing, and sure enough, i found some, that had , and were willing to share their experiences, helped me immensily, i pulled the seat back off trike on tuesday morning and pulled fuse and relay box out of hiding place, and started changing out relays, and guess what, they came right on, and found bottom of original relay was burned, so i called my local honda dealer, they had one and put it back for me, i retieved it the next day and in stalled it, numbers had changed from 95, but still worked, and i put it back to gether patted my self on the back and went to work.
Next undertaking on trike was new headlights, first i ran type and kind down on internet, that too is a closely guarded secret for some reason, i found some H4's at my friendly Oreiley's parts store and priced right too, Wally world would have been cheaper, but if you dont have them, you can give them away, and still be introuble
Procedure for changing bulbs was found on internet finally and is acually quiet simple, and considerable easier from changing them on my old 85 aspencade, takes a few minutes to get head light out and replace the bulbs and be back together, surprised me, haven't seen them at night, it h ad a orginal 45 watt bulb, i put two 60's in, should make a difference, So having that behind me, i again patted my self on the back and went to work
C ingular had sent me a letter stating that they were gonna turn my phone off, i was costing them too much money, so, i paid for my plan a nation wide one, with free roaming and longdistance, but believing it would happen, i went to sprint and signed with them, i like their network, is acutally very quiet, i h avent h ad a problem with them, but cingular in their infinite wisdom did not turn off my cell service, just put a notice on my cell phone screen that when i roam it says not in network, so, who cares, i have nation wide roaming and longdistance and about 7000 roll over minutes needing to be used lmao
When i rode to liberal on a pgr ride not long ago, i found that they dont have or i couldnt get sprint service there, although my son in law was using his as i recall, and his is sprint, hmmmmmmm, oh well, i cranked up the cingular one and used it, all was well, we got our mission rode and back home, inspite of cell service lol
We had a really good week of R&D work at the plant this week, making changes and doing all sorts of configurations to test a new feedstock, nice folks there doing the testing, we had a blast, only had two guys per shift, was busy but was good tired when we got h ome at night.
Grandson stayed a couple of nights and that boy always has something going on, you can hear the gears grinding, he is like a hoover, he doesnt miss a thing, at 4 he can swim, some thing at 61, i still cant do, i am very proud of him, dives in 12' of water, and swims to the side ladder by him self,
I recieved a call from my ride captain for the pgr for this area last night, they are doing a flag ride special mission monday, I want to be a part of that , we dont always get to ride normal missions with them, so i make the ones i can, boss has said he will come in early so i can leave early monday m orning, a gesture i could nt pass up, he is ex military, and is willing to help.
Will be a very long day, and i have to work monday night, but cant be much worse, that being on midnights for two months
u just stay awake for what ever time you can stand it, then crash, i always do.
Well the PGR ride didtn exactly come off the way we expected, but it did come off, I went home and slept till 1:30 monday afternoon then got a phone call and we were off to the races, found wife and we let town and headed for shamrock fuel , which i didnt have enough to start with,but that is my fault.
The ride was fun and a very special undertaking,I wouldnt have missed it for anything,I got back to work tuesday morning at 2,was a long night but we made it and was worth every minute of time we spent on it
I was asked this last week to remove my self from my premises, but I respectfully declined,leaving the oppurtunity for the other half to vacate, which was what was said , if i didnt she would,till i declined,and it has been really quiet ever since.We are working another set of midnights this week,days next week then right back to good old midnights the week after,if you are not careful, you can wind up on midnights the whole summer.

I did go off this last weekend on three day ride and spent some time by my self, it was fun and a well needed rest.I did how ever windup in Fort Worth as my Son sold his motorcycle and I had to sign part of the newforms that i had failed to do , when i sent himthe title.
I had hoped to do some visiting while inthe dallas area, but was not to be,was sent home bag and baggage see ya later.I left fort worth at 9 pm got home at 5 AM went inand slept till ten thirty then got up and spent the day by my self, which is not at all unusual now.
I have a trip comeing up that starts in colorado, goes to and thru wyoming and south dakota, all guys , invite only, first liar won't have a chance.Will be gone a week,and I am ready,should be a very good week.

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