Sunday, April 30, 2006

Chuck and Miss Baby

i am not sure if any one here is familiar with one of my child hood heroes, but he is worth a mention, especially if you like a good laugh , and loved the deep south sense of humor, he was known as Brother Dave Gardner, a true comic.
The man was truly depraved, but in a very good sort of way,routines like " if you aint John, I'm Gone" and "Chuck and Miss Baby" would bring tears to my eyes, he is no longer with us, but his comedy lives on , it can still be found if you look for it, and it still holds up today,I thought alot about it , as i rode thru the not so dark skies and highways on my way to Fort Worth Friday evening.
A normal spring ride,lightning, high winds in places, heavy to light rain, poor visibility, and from what i understand, the panhandle again, got nothing to very light activity,Gonna have to have a talk to brother allen when i get back home.
I know we got some , at least the amarillo area did, i encounted high wind and heavy rain on the way to amarillo for my massage,and by the way, if you want to add some years to your life, find some one that is very good at massage, you cant believe , how the body and soul responds to that , it took me a very long time to move off dead center, and make the appointment, have never regretted it for a second

I finally got out of the panhandle on my trip to see the boys and spend a weekend riding with them,naturally, i had to go back to the house to check weather and pickup some things i left the first time, got in the first really bad rain and weather just south of childress, glad i got thru that, was one of those you can see all the way to the ground, and i way very appreciative that i was on the south side of that storm, i stopped and checked weather at one of the new reststops, the state has updated them with radar and wweather information and internet hot spots , very nice that is available, had laptop with me, but buried, so just used theirs lol.
The trip was long, and mostly uneventful,My youngest son decided to ride out to meet me, but was turned back by very enclement weather near jacksboro, and i could see the aftermath from that when i came thru.
Talked to daughter yesterday, as they were leaving Dallas, she told me that gainsville ,had taken quiet a hit,damage every where, that can be fixed, just hope no fatilities were from that storm.

After several phone calls and some watiing at convenience stores during my ride, once in wichita falls and then again in Jacksboro, i made it to my Son's home, in one piece , wet,scrubby,huge smile on face, and would and will do it again in a heart beat, i just plain love riding.
Can i explain it , where you really understand it, probably not,do i need to, not once you have ridden with me, you will either love it or hate it.
We got up yesterday(Saturday 29th) and headed out to my oldest son's house, for breakfast and to get them ready to ride, son number one was gone , had a life long friend with him,and they had made a store fun for his wife, we made our selves at home, ate his food, and could have drank his wine, had i remembered that i had it with me.It made the trip in very fine shape, will be good to see what kind of shape it is in, when we open it, is it high priced vinegar or really good red grape, like it s tarted out in lubbock several months ago. Time will t ell

I guess we will do some work on the bikes, today, will h ave to pry smidley whiplash from his bed probably when i get there, as i understand he played play station all night or close to it, wonder where he got that from , surely not me.
We started riding about 11 yesterday morning, and almost go to lampasas, filled up several times, and hamiltion was the last stop for fuel and to turn around and make the trip back, it is a beautiful ride , cant wait to go more here,don't tell any one, but i am looking for a place to be, I think i have been about as usefull as i know how at work, thinking it might be a good time to be some where else, and I am looking down in this area for something or someplace that i want to be.
Close to the boys where we can ride a lot, close to the area, where lots of things go on, Ranger baseball, auto shows, Nascar, the state fair, concerts that people can see and afford.
some really beautiful area lakes, to spend a quiet lazy afternoon on or around.And from what i saw yesterday, some really pretty places to ride,
I do know i wll have to find a sign for the rear of my bike, that says"Don't follow me, I am lost too"
Had a group of fellow riders fall in behind us, with some very shiney machinery, big bikes,harley's big yamaha's , and little did they know, we were lost too, not sure where they were headed, but we looked like a huge group for a while,and they just followed right along , hope they had as much fun as i did lol.
We made hamilton about 3 or so, fueled up and did our obligatory pit stop, for some of us that are older , then started back, dropped Son #1 off near his house and started looking for bike dealerships and new helmets, Son #2 needs a new helmet as old one which is about three weeks old, hurts his head,not a pleaasant situation,i have been there.
Had some really good barbeque and live music for supper, friendly people and good food, and music rounded off a really good day of riding.
We then decided maybe to ride west , stopped at weatherford for fuel and lo and behold, guess what, an Dairy Queen sign . So we had to have a blizzard, decided then to ride home ,and start out again today, being sunday, will go to Son #1 house and help with some maintenance on his bike, while Son # 2 does church , then comes to join us, we are gonna try to ride again today and I cant wait, sun is shining, birds are singing, and my 1800 wants to be going some place, and tomorrow will be no exception, Dallas bound on monday.

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