Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Stick a fork in me, "I'M DONE"

Good Morning
30 years ago today, i started my career in carbon black, it was a fantastic ride, but it is now finished today
I have had lots of changes since i was last here, some change is good, other parts of it NOT.
There have been several serious life changes for me, Divorce and losing some members of my family.Divorce is like death,X and i are still friends, some folks dont understand that, but they dont have too.
Losing my Oldest brother and youngest Son are the hardest things i have ever had to endure,
So i cling to my siblings and kids and grandkids.
I am not tough enough to handle the death of my son with out help, so i go to grief counseling , started our second part of the journey Monday night,We (My Family is in this with me) are making this journey together, I take my hat off to the families and counselors, that come and continue to share with us, I personally cant do this alone.
I had put off retireing till Ed left us, after a lot of soul searching, i realized, life isnt stopping for any one let alone me, so i could see it was time to make some decisions and changes
No one knows what is ahead in Life, least of all me, I know i look forward to seeing what it brings, I do know bad things happen to good people every day, life goes on.
Every one has problems and gets curves thrown in for good measure, that is the design of life , i believe
There will be a test at the end, i hope i can pass it.
I have seen on the news lately, that the seniors will once again be penalized for being seniors
when things in the fiscal government world get shaken, the first thing that is normally grabbed, is Social Security, i dont Understand why seniors are continually terrorized by the threat of benifits being cut, we didnt cause this problem, you can bet they will try to make us pay for them though
Put the house and congress on social security, they will stop that crap, Make them live in our shoes, and they will fix it, no more free rides, or entitlements, or eliteist, same way with Obama care, make them participate like we are forced to do, they will fix it, Hillary once said on the campaign trail, we want to give your the same care we get, Duh , my first thought was, we are paying for what they get, why dont we allready have that same program.
Did any one ever think about enforceing the benifits program for those that are eligible , get the rest off the program,no more anchor babies, let every one, learn our culture and language as a requirement for citizenship, no more non american flags over the american flag, and no more upside flying of our flag in side our borders, enforce the border security, make it real,no more quiet deals with mexico, they cant fix there own problems, lets take care of our own poor

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