Tuesday, September 05, 2006

you bought this rear tire when?????

I just finished up another set of midnights friday morning at 7, stopped by to visit with new boss but got shortstopped by bigger boss, and gabbed a while, i lost interest in seeing other guy, was getting hungry, that is about the only thing that will keep me from talking, is hunger,
I exchanged pleasentries and left ,headed for the coffee shop to coffee and my for ever outstanding ham and egg breakfast burrito.
The table of knowlege was nearly packed when i got there, which may have been a good thing, I could do more listening, and less talking,get my breakfast burrito eaten,and learn something in the process.
Now you have to remember i had just gotten off, at 7 so my memory gets kinda fuzzy about breakfast time, this is going on 7:30,no coffee nor any breakfast burrito,so i may not remember who all was there, which may be a good thing.
as usual i get a phone call from my brother in denver , wanting to know what i had planned for the labor day weekend, and casually mentioned he was going to freedom, and the only freedom i know of, is freedom oklahoma, where the alabaster caverns are, this wouldnt be any big deal, but my brother lives in denver and the last place i figured he would be wanting to go would be freedom oklahoma, but as usual i was wrong again,cause that was exactly where he was headed.

Well the weekend for the ride came,and on friday it was cloudy and cool and wet, started out for Alva , Oklahoma after 4 in the afternoon,by the time i reached Shattuck Oklahoma, rain had ended , gas prices we down sharply, so i enjoyed cheaper gasoline prices on fuel that likely came from the Borger refinery,which is nearly in my back yard or the terminals at turpin oklahoma.
Arrived in Alva in time for supper and after finding a motel got some horizontal refreshment,finally found some breakfast on sunday morning in the form of Mc Donalds ,I could not believe there wasnt anyplace other that that to eat breakfast,and then I headed for Freedom Oklahoma to meet my brother's motorcycle group there
Met with my brother,s group at the cave and did the tour,was good ,maybe better than i remembered as a kid.Company was good,and fun,and tour was very enjoyable, after a short break,we decided lunch was in order,then left for Liberal Kansas where the group would spend the night and also eat again.
after we reached liberal we discovered that my nephew had lost a nother rear tire, in the tread again,We started looking for a Gwrra gold book so we could find some one to help us,good luck on a major holiday.We called the local Honda Dealer, that wont happen again, we got gripped out for calling and then they were really rude on top of that. I did have a very good chicken fried steak while we were there, my old buddy brian cound not believe i ate the whole thing by my self. the end to this story is almost unbelieveable, they took some Gorilla duct take and put it on the tire around the tread, and it worked fine, had to change it often, but they got bike home, they changed the tape around the tread 6 times, but they got it home

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