Sunday, July 20, 2008

Now if i can figure out where my temperature sensor is

Moving is and always has been an ardous process for me, seems like we started when i was about 5 , and we been moving some one on a pretty regular basis ever since.
I have two moves in front of me, the one from my place of residence since 1977, and then the one to denver to live with my brother.
The beauty about moving is, you find a lot of stuff you thought was lost, and in my case, i lost a lot of things i knew where was, hopefully it will all come out in the wash, i still haven't found the original set of keys i put up for my bike and i know those are in here some place.
Well after 40 years of wedded bliss, i am starting anew, i keep seeing the emails where they ask people from our orginization to seek new oppurtunities, and i had the oppurtunity to do exactly that , i wont go in to what that acutally cost financially, but i may be living in a tv box before it is over.
But like i told the guy , when he found me in his closet in tulsa oklahoma almost 45 years ago, every body got to be some place, he didnt see the humor in it.
When i get to thinking about some of the things from my past life, one can only wonder why or how we made it this far, only answer i have is , some one up there likes me very much.

I havent written anything in a long time, and not sure why i am driven to now, i guess maybe something wants out or in, far be it for me to decide.

Some one ask me the other day why i hadnt written any thing lately, i guess i have been trying to digest all of the things that have gone on for a while.

We lost our older brother last october, and some good can come from that i reckon, as i know some of the other family members now take better care of them selves , and are seeking medical attention to have things looked at instead of saying ok, nothing is going on and nothing needs attention, trying to deny , we are all getting older and seems like after 50 any thing can and will happen .

i have become more serious about taking the meds i am required too, not letting them slide, i am guilty of that and it wont hurt any one but me.
There is a litany of things i need to change in my life, and i guess this is a part of that, maybe one way to keep track or a running record , to see how much of it actually gets done.

I cant wait to get to denver , and drive my brother crazy on a regular basis, he only thinks he has trouble now lol
I ask the turkey to take some pictures of my new room in the h ouse we leased in centennial, and of course he complies, guess what my room is full of boxes, some one needs to tell him you dont jack around an old guy that carries a gun. i am too old to take a whippin,

Looks like the sun is comeing up over the hill, i need to get dressed and get out side and get the scoot out and wash it up good for the trip to ruidoso this week via denver lol

Then it will be time to eat, just have to figure out where i want to eat and ride there lol

yall have fun

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