Thursday, July 12, 2007

It goes up a lot faster than it goes down:

It is truly amazing to watch fuel prices rise to unprecedented price levels, this can only hurt the economy,and the driving public in general, the only backlash the driving public has it going back at the purchase level and boycotting the companies that they purchase from, but you wont ever reach them at that level, you might hurt the independent that purchases and sells his product, but the big guys are isolated behind the government, and wall street,and all the fat cats that are posting these never before seen , obsecene profits, it hits the middle class right in the pocket book , which is apparently ok,no one including the government is doing anything to stop it, the government just makes a bigger slice of the pie when the price goes up, even if they do nothing,which so far they have been really good at.
But when you have as much lobby money in the right places,and most of the companies have their hands in the coat pocket of most of the politicans it is hard to tell who still works for the US tax payer and who works for the oil companies.Granted , the driving public has some of the fault, because we still refuse to demand higher fuel standards of the automakers , if you must drive the tanks still available, 4 door pickups with dragster engines in them, and hummers,and the huge boats that are still available,new from the automakers, if you are gonna dance , you will have to pay the fiddler,and they all know that.
It amazes me, that so much new technology is available and out there, engines that run on water, but when these things come to light, there is usually a buy out and that technology disappears about as quick as it was brought to light, I do know this company manufactures welding plants that run on water they are on the market, and the inventor has a fleet of cars that are converted to run on water, so why istn that technology currently available for the american public, we have plenty of water, and it wont break the american dream,we could become fuel independent over night, but you think any one will allow that to happen, not likely, what i dont understand is why the public doesnt demand to know more and why it isnt being investigated on a scale of some of the current diseases that the government funds yearly.

Look at hydrogen,another very viable source of independence, but who owns all the filling infrastructure, most likely the oil companies do,they have all the money,and that is what this is all about, not fuel or oil,it is power and money.
Take a look at who purchases all the wind power as soon as it is up and operational, surprise surprise, you say it is oil companies,well they purchased ours with in three weeks of the first blades turning in the wind.
Are you beginning to see a pattern here, or is it hard to see the forest for all the trees, It takes money to make money,that is why you never see the guys that really supply drugs, they aren't the ones in the cars on the interstates or trucks that get thru,they dont have to do the grunt work,same in this business, the guys in the direct firing line isn't the suppliers of the product, it is at the grunt level or convenience stores or managers of franchises,that can only do what the edicts allow coming down the chain of command,and do you seriously think you can get to the fat cats driving the prices , used to be supply and demand,now it is all controlled by wall street,that is one of the reasons you never hear any thing from opec, they dont have to do a thing, cause our own greed at the wall street level is gonna make those folks even more wealthy than they allready are.
The latest round of excuses comes at the refinery level, and i remember reading several years ago, we had all the capacity we needed, but you let one place stumble,or even grunt real hard and the price can also jump,as it has this week,you could see it comeing as the prices was jumping up and down last week in anticipation of the allready known coming surge in prices, makes me think the fix was all ready in the system, as i watched prices jump up 15 cents one day and back down the next,and it yo yoed several times last week like they were testing the water , sure makes onewonder
enough of this rant, have a good night and a better weekend, and get ready for the next surge, for you know is will come , just a matter of time, the media all ready hyped for the companies, so 4.00 a gallon gas is nearly a done deal, where is all the output and production that i keep hearing we are finding, who gets that ,what about the alaskan pipeline,where does all that production go,andwhat about all the wells we capped in oklahoma and kansas in the 60's when it was cheaper to bring in oil from the gulf, it has still got to be there , cause it probably hasn't been touched since they capped it, think about it

Monday, June 11, 2007

It Started out as a regular gonnabe wet Sunday:

I woke up late Sunday morning, which was about 7:20 to me, finally got out of town about 7:40 rode to Goodnight then stopped to put on Top half of rain suit(Frog Togs) then continue on my merry way to have breakfast in Clarendon at the Clarendon Steak House.

Now if you want a really good place to eat,and meet some friendly folks in the process, this is the place to go.

I sat for a few minute,gave me some time to reflect if indeed i should really be waited on ,but then my waitress showed with a phone stuck in the side of her head and a menu.

I ordered coffee and took the breakfast bar choice and headed over to the bar to retrieve my breakfast, people are very friendly and cordial there.

after finding scrambled egg and bacon and sasuage, and biscuits with hashbrowns and grape jelly and orange juice, i set about eating my breakfast, i got a hug out of the deal when the waitress apologized for comeing to the table on the phone,i started to ask her for the phone number , but i didnt want her to think i was a dirty old man, but some how i think she knew lol

People are very friendly there and it is a really good place to eat.

You will notice if you havent allready, i do a lot of riding and eating, and not necessiarly in that order.

I got on the road and headed towards Wichita falls ,i was watching the clock on the dash race towards a ten o'clock phone call that would tell me where i would eventually wind up meeting the other half as she worked her way down highway 82 towards me on her way back from a trip to KeyWest Florida, i think they had a good time,and i am not about to ask what it cost.Only her and her hair dresser will know.

After finding the other half on the road inbetween henryetta and munday , we had talked about going to the goldwingers gourmet haven (Dairy Queen) but i had noticed a nice looking place in town as i passed thru henryetta and decided that would be the place to go,it just looked like agood place to be

I would have never even dreamed who i would see there when we arrived , eventhough i had parked right next to his truck and dismounted, never even looked at it.

As i live and breath as i walked in there sits Eddie and Ercie Hill , the last two people i would have ever expected to see in that town or resturant, For those that have been living in a cave ,Eddie Hill is and was very prominent in dragracing, he used to help me and my cousin from oklahoma city sneak in thru the pits to watch the drag races, would be him or Jack Chrisman,both very highly thought of and very well known racers .

It was hard for me not to go over and pester him , but as I watched him and his family visit, i knew there was no way I could bother him,I did later in the parking lot get a chance to say hi to them and visit for a minute.
All of the family stopped to say something, and i was very pleased about that, a nicer or friendlier group i dont remember being in the presence of than these people.
When i returned home i took the time to look at Eddie and Ercie's webpages and history and was plesentaly surprised to see they have settled in nicely to retirement and enjoying life and found an invitation to all that view the pages to join them in a supper ride from his Honda dealership in Wichita Falls the first Saturday evening of every month, Dont know about yall, i think i know one old fat body from the panhandle that will take them up on that invite.
I saw them again on the way back to Wichita Falls,We all waved and then it was time to move on,It was a fantastic day to me,one i wont soon forget,as you can see, it doesnt take much to make me happy, and a blast from the past will do it for me every time