Saturday, August 12, 2006

25 Years of Shift Work

I hate midnights, i am in the end of the second week of three on midnights, i suppose the overtime and double time kinda helps to dispell the ad nasuem of shift work,as you will remember surgery does me the same way midnights do,creates temporary memory lapse,to date i have lost in my house again keyfob remote and key for bike and bluetooth headset for phone, they are someplace simple, yet i cant find them,new one ready at the honda shop in amarillo,and i will get it tomorrow which for me is really today lol
Grandson came home with MAMA this evening as i was leaving to come to work tonight.He is a mess,I could hear him hollering at me even before the jeep quit rolling and he was out of his seat in the backseat of the jeep.
He told me if i wanted to stay home and play with him tonight , it would be ok I guess he was gonna call my boss and tell him i needed off to play with him this evening.I think i should have taken my grandson up on his offer, another day has come and gone and here I am again, slogging in the mud, changing tips,and keeping this thing inbetween the bar ditches.Same thing we been doing for over 25 years.This job used to be fun,the wheels make sure they take as much of that away from you as possible.We arent sure what happened to the last guy they found wondering around doing his job with a smile on his face and whistleing just because he enjoyed what he was doing, may have gotten caught in the last lay off.
Every time some one says he is gonna make my job easier,you better grab the lower part of your backsides,and hang on,cause it normally means they bringing some new form that will wind up being a weapon used against the working man,even though it was gonna make my job easier, seems we have a hard time anymore reconciling any incident that happens without having some one to blame or point a finger at, so much wasted energy,if that time was appropriately expended in the betterment of our process or some new training that wasnt the flavor of the month, that they hacked up and sent out,and we would get to put the puzzle together and see if there was anything usealbe,in some arcain way and for the guys at our IQ levels, which mine is some were around 4,and the reason I know that is my new boss has a bad habit of talking to us like we are in the third grade,doesnt believe in self directed work teams, wants to do away with it, and he will, he is a I and Me man,gonna take us to the new world class process,a military man that got rifted by the service,turned engineer,what a combination,put those guys in a paper bag and fold the top over twice and they are screwed, no way to get out.I have seen them come an go,we have had some good ones, one went right to the top, but he always pulled for us,kept us open when I am sure others wanted us gone.
Part of the new world order, takeing all the jobs over seas,we used to just have to feed them,now seems like the United States is expected to employ them too.The Statue can only hold so many on it shoulders,and it is getting crowded now, would be easier to just send them money , most dont like us to begin with and our way of live even less,but keep the green coming.we like that part lol.
Back at the salt mine one more night, still 4 days out from being done, seems like we been here a month, but then midnights always do.Oh I did find my bluetooth headset again, should have looked in the floor to begin with i guess, still havent found the bike key and fob yet, but i am sure after i pick the new ones up tomorrow in Amarillo ,the others will magically appear, which is normally my luck,i needed to remotes to keep up with for the bike i shall have them.
All most three in the morning, seems like the time has a way of getting away when you get busy,but i like it that way,less time to think about some things ,when i take the truck over to get it fixed this afternoon, i m ay see if they can just rent me a motorcycle to take home,would probably be a hardly davidson,my neighborhood can stand some shakeing up, and that would to it, a die hard Honda man on a hardly,what is the neighbor hood comeing too lol
Overall , i slept over 7 hours today, still cant tell it,but after a while the feeling you been run over by a truck is pretty much constant on midnights, I have xm going and Leann and bill mack should be happy the royalties keep flowing in ,she can belt out a song , that is for sure, makes goose bumps on my back when she sings that song Bill Mack wrote, in a lot of ways she reminds me a lot of patsy cline, a shame she was called home so early in her life, she must have gotten done what her part of the plan was.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Deadwood and the GPS

In my last blog i alluede to a trip in the making to colorado and to parts further north.
I wanna tell ya it was a hoot,24 men gathered at a local resturant the morning of our departure, we had a good breakfast,verbal sparring and just some good natured devilment before we pulled the pin for parts north.This setting is in denver colorado, 24 guys ,invite only,3 days of belching and scratching, and hard riding, opened up a whole new world to me as a rider , and participant.
We recieved our riders instructions and then the 4 rookies were gotten together, filmed and fingerprinted,and mugshots taken.One of our last instructions told uswewould have to hold a skit that night at supper, aint we lucky.
And yours truly was a rookie on that ride,so i got to help with the skit,I dont do oracles so I don't do incantations or shake chicken bones, during these processes, Brian Graves ,my roomie and the club prez, came upwith the original thought that we base our skit on, Which we didtn completely put together till evening at the motel,before our steak was devoured,it was fun and even very funny , a parody take off from the morning events at the parkin lots,this was not meant to be hurtful or mean, just funny and most accepted that as it was.I was told i shoudnt give up my day job as acting was not my forte.
I learned a lot from these riders , young and and matured alike,everyone's riding skill levels and perception of what that is varies,but i would ride with them any where, because at the level we rode most of the time and speeds and the amounts of concentration and skill required was exciting.
My youngest brother led the cooker group as did the wing commander during the 3 day period, and thumper and his group running laterally with us , at a slower pace,did their own thing too, it was a lot of fun,no incidences occured,although my nephew had to stay in Deadwood till monday morning, as he had a problem with his tire , which has since been resolved.He rode behind me ,most of one full day, polishing my rear fender and tag lights.I was working up a sweat to keep up,I dont think i ever saw brett hit the brakes once ,just smooth as silk all day long.

The 1800 still continues to amaze me,the power band onthose machines is unbelieveable, you want to have it pointed the way you really want to be going,when you wack the throttle,cause you aint gonna believe the mind bending performance,this machine has builtinto it.when you really get aggresive it just growls and says , just bring it on bubba, it will s how you a thing of two
That b ike will run in excess of 100 miles an hour all day long never whimpering or any bad mannerisms,just squats and gets it like a speeding bullet, and the harder you twist the handle grip,the more it begs to just get out and let the goodtimes roll. It pulls as hard at 128 as it does at 30, like gang busters. Try wipeing that stupid smile off my face.