Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I still believe in miracles

Last monday,I had the day off,we celebrated President's day , it was cold and miserable,but we decided early afternoon to try and salvage the day, I called my daughter in Pampa and inquired if they wanted to go to eat some place that evening in Pampa, We normally let the grandson chose , and with a little autosuggesting he picked the right place, unfortunately Pampa doesnt have a huge selection of eating establishments, if some one opens one , they have tons of business for the first thirty days,then most gravitate back to their normal eating haunts, I have watched this process over the years and it tends to always work this way.
Most of the places in town are family owned, one family has several,and while not being a monopoly,they have plenty of business,the balance of remaining places are tex mex,which is good as far as I am concerned,and I understand that we may get another one ,which if it is as good as the original in Borger,It will be very good and most likely be here to stay, Pampa is a tough town on eating establishments, always has been, I have been in this area since 1965 and I have seen a lot of good places come and go.
I decided to shower and clean up before going to pickup my daughter and grandson, which i did,took my regular shower , shaved with my new cordless electric razor, and splashed some smell good on,and was out the door, this later proved to be my undoing,for when we returned several hours later,I realize too late i did not turn the faucet back on in my bathtub,and that by the next morning and several inches of deep water wound up costing 150.00 to restore the water service to normal again which was done two days after the break occured.

I was happy when the plumbing company came, it was nice outside helped my attitude alot and i know the men doing the repair were elated that it had decided to turn off nice and be warm,made the whole thing a much more pleasant experience.
I showed them where the water had come from and they set immediately to repairing it, as an afterthought i did tell him about my water heater not producing much warm water and ask if he had any heating elements for a hot water heater in his truck, he replied that they did and repaired the line that was broke and then started on the water heater repair, I had comtemplated doing that my self,but in the long run the money i spent was well spent,as my self cleaning water heater (apparently I hadnt found the place to turn on the self cleaner as it was full of mineral deposits , and that was cleaned out and everything looked spic and span in about an hours time.Water service was restored and I was smileing like a cheshire cat, got out cheap,no extra broken lines from being frozen after i had to shut off water,some times things do work out.
Some of the advertisement about products you buy make me think of election year promises,They look good,sounds wonderful, but if it just a sticker on a product, that infers or implies somewonderful achievement or promise , generally they mean nothing ,and I knew when I purchased that water heater with the sticker on it that says self cleaning, doesn't that make you winch just a little, knowing the ability for mineral deposits to collect in our water, but being an eternal optimist, you always hope that some of what is there, is true technology and maybe some engineer did design something in it, that did actually clean it as you went along, but after the service man opened up the heater, i wont repeat what he told me when i ask him if there was any meaning to the still new looking sticker on the front of the water heater.
That was today, the point is this is that back in the summer, before I had my prostate surgery, i put up a knife my youngest son had given me ,for father's day , in a safe place where i could go back later and find it. Well apparently that in fact did happen, for last week when i was on the front porch, talking to some friends in Dallas,I looked down on a what not chair next to where I was sitting, and low and behold, there was my knife, apparently right where I had used it, only thing is, I dont remember what month that was or what I used it on. Then in the next day or two, i happened to go looking in our utilityroom for something in the stored treasure (junk Pile) area. I actually had to move some stuff, that is when the shirt jacket showed up,I was convinced where ever the shirt jacket ,was , the rest of the items i had put away ,the foldback knife and bluetooth head set disappeared,these too were items I put up for safekeeping, then they disappeared, as most things do that i put up, normally gone for ever. I found my headset in my meds bag, when I cleaned it out a couple of weeks ago, so I do believe in miracles, there actually is a higher power looking outfor me,as it is quiet obvious , I need all the help i can get .

1 comment:

Infinitegtr said...

Those of us familiar with your personal hygiene are equally happy that the plumbing was fixed.

Reading your very first post was a bit of a surprise. After all these years, who would guess you were such a deep, introspective soul...?