Friday, January 27, 2006

politicians, preachers and sinners

For some time now, my morning usually starts with a trip to our local resturuant for breakfast, it normally consists of a breakfast burrito with egg and ham, and coffee, we normally have a round table forum, and it consists of a lot of diverse and good people, that make the start of the day very unique and interesting, i alway look forward to going.You never know who will show up or what will be discussed, but one thing for sure, you know it was always be interesting.
On any given day we might have a couple of city commisonners or like this morning when the preacher and the country commisioner showed up, hence the title of the blog for today.
Both are very good folks and both very unique in their own right.We might have a land baron,a school board rep, some local folks like me, just adds flavor to the mix.Each with their own opinions and thoughts, our land baron is usually the catalyst for most of the discussions, is his mission in life and he is good at what he does, and just a good person to be around.

I didnt stay this morning, had to be back , was expecting phone calls, and had some things to get done, this being one of them.So i missed the roundtable discussions and i would bet any thing they were lively.
I got up yesterday morning at 4:30 for a trip to see my urologist in Lubbock, about 180 miles south of here, appointment was for 9:45, got there at nine,checked in and paid my money, made the obligatory trip to the restroom for their samples , and back to waiting room before going in to see the dr and his aides.
I met a couple from a town close to lubbock that rode motorcycles like i do, they visited among the many cell calls his wife recieved, he said he was in for a check up, but i was assuming it wasnt for post cancer operation check up, he was in his early to mid 40's and really didnt have a lot to say, and knowing what i know about the checkup's that i no longer have to endure, he probably wasnt looking forward to what laid ahead, most men dont, I never liked the exam, but it can only save your life .She was the sparkplug for the two of them, i can only bet she keeps things interesting when they ride or attend their association meetings, and every group needs one.
I got called in to be poked and prodded and looked at about nine fifteen, nurse was friendly and courteous, took my vital signs and ask lots of questions, which is good, dr then came in and looked me over , He was pleased , said i looked like i was a pin cushion, maybe next time they would put zippers in , so when they needed to work on me, would be lots easier for both of us.

Another aide came in after dr left and brought a hand full of pills with him, said here try these and i was out of there, i paid my bill and mounted up for the trip home.
I get to go back to full duty monday, and i am ready, have been restricted since august, and i am getting fat and lazy, have a tentative trip to dallas sunday, and want to take the bike, would be a very nice road trip, even with a little rain, i wouldn t mind
Will be nice to get out of the control room and pack and do all of the things i could not before, been a while since i have done them, i am ready to get back to work .
The trip comeing home was like the trip going down, just no rain and lots of wind, standard for the texas panhandle, i stopped to eat at amarillo, love my tex mex went to rosa's for lunch,

The first place i went in was full of highschool students, i know they have to eat, but this was disaster, i am fairly tolerent, but after about 30 seconds i decided a retreat was in order, fortunately, the other Rosa's cafe isnt that far, so i made my exit , no one the wiser and went to the other establishment, low and behold, more highschool students, but these folks acted like the young men and ladies they were, got their lunchs ordered and were eating, not in the way or pushing any one around or making a spectacle of them selves and others, was a delight to see.

I got back home about 1:30, hopeing to see we had recieved an abundant amount of rain, but we did get maybe twenty hundreths, i wont say any thing bad about that , i have lived in the texas and oklahoma panhandles long enough to know you start cussing the moisture and you may never get any, not sure how that works, you can call it what you want, mother nature, mojo or just what ever, people used to get shot at around the panhandle for seeding clouds and making the clouds go away, they learned a huge lesson from that too i think, but got kinda hairy for the pilots, dont know if they had kevlar shorts on or not, and i dont know any well enough any more to ask, some things are probably better not being known lol.

Before i digress to far, in accordance to the subheading here, you know i am not in politics nor a preacher, so you know where that leaves me, right square in the amen corner,if you have any spare prayers , send them my way, God will smile on you, and it will amuse him , that you wanted to help me , dont hurt to keep your name in the pot, this is like studying for a huge test , of a life time, one i really don't want to fail.

My oldest brother and I belong to the Patriot Guard Riders Association, you have heard me mention this group and you will, many times more, a fine group of people and these folks have a lot of heart and soul, many vets here, want to honor the fallen and help relieve as much anguish for the families as possible, there are some that want to extend that, but thanks to the PGR, this is held to a minumim,
His Group from Dallas with the Ride Captain for this area left this morning for Fort Hood, to participate in honoring a fallen soldier.They go because they want to, not because they have too, Thanks for all you do PGR.I am very proud of you all, and very proud to be associated with you.
You can find information of the PGR at if you have time and are willing, please take the time to see what it is about, it renews my faith in mankind, the site explains the mission statement explicitly, even i got it.Look at the picture gallery and mission reports, filled with good information and you will see the caliber of men and women that gave there all, so we could be here and be free.You wont be sorry u looked, , it impressed me and that takes a lot.

Time is my enemy today, even though i started this several hours ago, my thought process wont stay in one place, i had some ideas when i started this earlier this morning, but it has slipped into this afternoon and my salt mine hour looms.
Met our new ops guy yesterday, this appears that it can be a new oppurtunity for our place, i am sure the company has a specific direction they want to go, will be hard to see self directed work groups go by the way side, but climates have changed, people have changed, things that worked for a very long time and well, arent accepted any longer, so new ideas, not necessiarly better, but new for them, like booger said, been there done that, time will tell

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