Monday, January 26, 2009

The man said he was all about change

I normally try to stay away from politics and religion, both being very personal and conterversial.
I sat here and watched history being made, i wasn't sure i would ever see a black person as the chief executive in my life time, but it is done , we got there and maybe i will get to see it unfold in the next 4 years.

I personally believe we are in a depression, and it is gonna be a long way out, i know my Dad lived to be in one, and i had hopes our generation would never see the hardships and sacrifice that i know every one of that generation endured.

It made them stronger and more fiscally aware, Mom and Dad could actually put back more money than most and i never saw either one , that didnt have rathole money someplace.

Dad would never talk about the Depression, it took a huge tole on his family and life, in several respects.
I can remember growing up in the 50's and 60's, my mother and dad worked very hard to raise six kids and did very well with that, they had some simple pleasures in life but for the most part, their family were their most valuable assets.

I think the most important things i learned from my parents, Love and Trust in God, keep your word, it is your bond, help others less fortunate than your self, (i didnt have to look far to find folks that was worse off than i)
Love and protect your children,and that now extends to grandchildren, (we should have had them first )
I also learned there are some absolutes in life, No one person can make you happy, if you dont have happiness in your heart, you probably wont be a happy person, people that come into your life can very much so help you be happy and i found out , it isnt my responsiblilty , to make any one happy, i can help them be that way, but i cant produce something they dont allready have in their hearts.

I wish our new president well, he has a full plate, and is gonna need all the help he can get, his campaign promises were all about change and i hope he has a plan to change things,

first thing he needs to do is scuttle his treasury secretary for some one that can remember to pay his fair shair and cannot get off from the responsiblity by telling congress that he is sorry,
I am pretty sure that any one of us in the same circumstance, would get a don't not pass go card and go directly to jail benefit that the tax laws enable for any one that cannot remember to pay their due.

This is not the change i wanted, this is more business as usual, congress and the representatives need real term limits, they work six years and go home, period, no full life retirement paid for off the the shoulders of the tax payers, we dont get a free ride, neither should they.
they should be allowed to live like the rest of us, the social security and tax laws would certainly be more equitable, and fair, if they want retirement, they should be able to make it like we do, by hard work and longivity in your chosen field, not by occuping a seat that needs new blood in it on a regular basis.
I have no problem with any one seeking a new life in this country, but they must understand that there is a proper way that is done, and it should be followed, they should be on the tax roles like the rest of us paying into a system that should work for every one, and this is the United States Of America, speak english, that is our native tongue here.
If you aren't proud enough of this country to be respectful of the customs here, and language here, go home, if this problem isn't fixed of all the illegals draining our resources, we will be come a third world nation and we are headed for that now, and it can happen quiet easily.
I have never seen so many companies and individuals with their hands out ever.

It seems like the new attitude is the government is the fix all, and it can't be, the government is of the people by the people, and you dont get a free ride, even though some in the government believe that is so, they have been there too long, a lot of greed has put us where we are now
Driving the energy prices out the top , makeing some very rich and others very poor, and it isnt driven by supply and demand, Wall Street has been complicit in this as well as others, and it all goes back to greed.
How many billions will we spend, before every one realizes you cant spend your way out of this,

When was the last time you called for technical support on any thing, a new product you purchased or something technical you need help with, or speak to any one about paying a bill or changing a payment date , and when was the last time you spoke to some one at these technical centers that actually spoke english that you could understand.
Why are we sending all our jobs out of this country, and our manufacturing base is all ready gone and if we let the auto makers go broke , that ought to just about clean us out, look around in your house, what do you see, that has a made in america label on it, if you truthfully find any thing i would acutally be surprised.

I can remember in the seventies when we had our first oil scare, it was much like this only not as severe, i think that was a testing ground to see if they could actually pull this off and apparently the question must have been answered, cause here we are,
Why didn't we move toward alternative fuel sources then, our government had to see this coming, but they could see both sides of it, money to be made if we scare the driving public, into believing that oil is short, raise prices, they lower them again after a while and give every one a false sense of security,every one gets geared up to do alternative fuel sources and different automotive technology and transportation devices, get that started, then when the fuel prices falls, every thing dies, the fuels and vechicles in the concept stage, because it can happen here and has to some extent as we speak, the oil companies wont founder, who do you think is buying up all the windfarms in the country after they are operational, and the hydrogen infrastructure and any other source that may be come available, these guys arent stupid.

I watched a show that originated at the Detroit colisuem yesterday on television, you could have thrown a gernade in any direction and probably not hit any one, looked like camera crews and a commentators and few disinterested observers , not the throngs you normally see there.

But what i did see is, new and unusual vechicles in concept and preproduction stages, that work, and will work, cars that can really help take us out of oil dependence from foreign countries and they have little or no hazardous by products poluting what i breath.
If these car manufactures really want to reinvent them selves, give us vechicles that will get 80 miles to the gallon, or electric vechicles that have good ranges of use, and no polution producers,
What happened to our can do attitude, we are the best nation on the face of this earth,why are those vechicles that every one knows is available , not on the market place, you want to stimulate our economy and put every one back to work, then produce the technology that will do exactly that .

vechicles are too expensive as it is, give us more bang for our buck, who needs a hummer, it will make a good flower planter box when you can't buy fuel for it.

I can remember in the 50's when our cars got over 20 miles a gallon consistently, small engines, we didnt need cars that looked like a block of granite with wheels, in the seventies they detuned the engines, put on emission pumps and you could watch the raw fuel run out the exhaust on the ground, we also have cars that had emission convertors on them that caught fire from the raw fuel in the confines of the convertor.

We cant spend our way out of this, we have to have some people in washington that doesnt do business as usual and it is time for a change, you can do that at the voting booths, they wont change unless they realize you mean business, put in new people with fresh ideas that arent beholding to any group or individuals that have their own agenda, our country is at stake here and so is our future, one man cant make all the changes that need made, and it wont be easy, life time retirements for special folks that we pay for should be gone, term limits are a must, real ones and no more sneaky pay raises in the middle of the night hidden in legislation that must pass, this isnt the kind of character i want to see making our laws that we must live by, and they are exempt from, and your new treasury secretary designate is a prime example of , We all make mistakes, me more than any one, but what we are talking about isnt an i am sorry offense, because most every thing any one does could fall under that catagory,congress is a law making body, the people in cabinet positions should be leaders of character by example, Bill Richardson had enough character to withdraw when it looked like it may lead to a problem for our new president, this designate should do the same , congress cannot forgive the fact he didnt pay his taxes and do what every other person in this country is bound by, if they let this slide, the change we got promised, wont ever get off the ground, because it is allready business as usual if they let this slide